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         ֹ ‫ֹראשֹהֹשֹנֹהֹ ֹל ֹאי ֹלנֹות‬


                                        ְ ?‫למהְ ְקבלּוְהאילנותְראשְשנהְמְיחדְמשְּלהם‬
     ְ‫ְכתּובְבּתורהְ"כיְהָאדםְעץ‬:‫ְוָאמרּו‬,‫האילנותְראּוְשה'ְ ְסּדרְראשְשנהְלבניְָאדם‬

                                                                      ְ ְ.‫ראשְשנהְמ ְשלנּו‬
                       ְ ְ?‫ְבאיזהְ ְחדשְנקבְעְאתְראשְהשנהְשּלכם‬:‫שאלּוְאתְהאילנות‬
ְ‫ְלכןְכדאיְלקבועְְיוםְהְּלדתְב ְשבטְשמזלְוְהּוא‬,‫ְאילנותְצריכיםְמים‬:‫השיבּוְהאילנות‬

                                              ְ .‫ְּובשבטְנק ְבעְזמןְגםְלמ ְצותְנטיעה‬.‫ּדלי‬

Why did the trees get their own New Year?
The trees saw that G-d made a New Year for mankind and said: It is
written in the Torah, "The man is like a tree…" Therefore, if man has a
New Year, we also have to have a New Year of our own.
They were asked, "What month?"
The trees answered: “Trees need water, therefore it's better to have it in the
month of Shvat, whose sign is Dli (a bucket)”. During the month of Shvat
a time was set also for the mitzvah of planting.
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