Celebrating Liberty with The Bread of Poverty?

Ulpan-Or’s Multimedia Pesach Haggadah
Goes Online
Click below to get it at $7.99 only!!
Next week we will be celebrating the holiday of Pesach and we would like to share with you some insights associated with it.
Pesach is called חג החירות
CHAG HAKHERUT – The Holiday of Liberty.
In other words we can refer to Pesach as the Holiday of Independence.
On such occasion of celebrating the Independence of the People of Israel, one would expect to have the best bread and cakes during the meals.
We, however eat Matzah during all seven days of this holiday.
Matzah is an unleavened bread, which is referred in the Haggadah as:
“Lakhma Anya” – “Bread of Poverty”
לחמא עניא
The expression לחמא ענייה “Lakhma Anya” is in Aramaic.
Translated to Hebrew it means לחם עוני – “Lekhem Ony” –
Bread of the Poor. (A very plain, thin bread, that poor people could afford).
Why then do we celebrate our liberty with the
“Bread of Poverty”?
There this another aspect which we can learn from the matzah – the bread of poverty.
The Talmud says that the expression “Lakhma Anya”could also mean the bread of answers (in Hebrew the word “ANYA” could also be derived from “LA’ANOT לענות – to answer).
So, this interpretation points to direction of “the bread that we tell stories over” in answer to questions raised during the night of the Seder.
What is the story that we tell?
Well, we of course tell the story of the Haggadah over this bread.
But how about considering it also to be our personal story?
The Maharal from Prague tells us:
2. Matzah, the unleavened bread includes the very same ingredients as the regular leavened bread: flour and water.
In making the Matzah, the mixture of flour and water has to be very rapidly baked and the outcome is a very thin unleavened bread.
For the regular bread, when the mixture of water and flour stays longer than 18 minutes before baking, it undergoes the process of leavening.
It eventually causes the bread to “inflate” and get filled with air bubbles, appearing much thicker than the original ingredients composing it.
So, which story do we tell about ourselves to others?
Which story do we tell about ourselves to ourselves?
Is our story a limiting one?
Is our story creating a “glass ceiling”?
- Are we in need of an artificial “hype” for our self-esteem?
We wish you and your loved ones to feel as true
“Bney Khorin” – “Liberated people”
בני חורין
and be fully liberated on this holiday of Pesach.
Yoel & Orly
Special announcement
Ulpan-Or’s Pesach Haggadah Goes Online
In response to many students of ours, who requested to help them to finally understand the Pesach Haggadah in Hebrew and actively participate in the Seder night, we have created a special interactive, multimedia online Haggadah eBook.
And now we have a special offer for you:
Interactive Pesach Haggadah at the price of only $7.99
This special price will be available only till the holiday of Pesach: Apr 19, 2019.
Click on the link or the image below to get it NOW
and become this coming holiday of Pesach an active participant in the Seder night.
Shabbat Shalom and Pesach Sameach,
Yoel & Orly
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